Download horn worms
Download horn worms

download horn worms download horn worms

Numerous references to the tobacco horn worm occur in the eco. We ship 15 per cup to allow for some loss in shipping. damage to the tobacco industry brought about by hornworms is caused by this species. Photo credits and linkbacks are never required but always appreciated. Manduca sexta, shipped at a little over an inch can grow to 4' long. Most are straight from the camera although some have been colorized. Some of the photos are high resolution and others are not. These pictures can be used for web page or blog backgrounds, desktop wallpapers, scrapbooking, web or print clip art, commercial publication, as textures for Photoshop or any other use. Be aware, that no model releases were obtained from any people in the photographs, and you should also use great care when using photographs that contain identifyable brand names or logos for commercial purposes. This means that you are free to download them and use the photos for any use including commercial purposes, however, you may not claim the copyright as your own. All of the photos, pictures, clipart and images on this site have been released into the public domain (Creative Commons CC0 designation for international use).

Download horn worms